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Taken 7-May-07
Visitors 353

13 of 50 photos
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Photo Info

Dimensions3648 x 2736
Original file size28.6 MB
Image typeTIFF
Color spacesRGB
Date taken8-May-07 07:05
Date modified29-Jul-13 15:51
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePENTAX Corporation
Camera modelPENTAX Optio A30
Focal length7.9 mm
Focal length (35mm)38 mm
Max lens aperturef/2.6
Exposure1/400 at f/8
FlashNot fired, auto mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Normal
ISO speedISO 64
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x
IMGP0056-RW Kangerlussaug Glacier

IMGP0056-RW Kangerlussaug Glacier

Title: Kangerlussaug Glacier, 2007

Kangerlussaug Greenland is where some of the Northern Hemispheres largest glaciers meet the ocean. In July the sun is at its peak and the summer melt produces incredible volumes of water. The roar from this seasonal river was deafening. I took this image of the cast and crew walking towards the edge moments after we had landed there to begin work on a documentary about global climate change.

Limited signed edition of 25 Guilder museum hand made frame 57.5" X 42.5" painted lacquer white with archival print behind UV resistant non reflective glass $6,000.00 plus applicable taxes and shipping. All profits donated to charity. To purchase this framed print contact Laura Davidson at [email protected], call 1-647-802-9797 or visit